Melina Puntoriero
Melina Puntoriero

The Whole Pig with Chef Massimo Spigarol
1 Week Masterclass - Pig full immersion/Butchery and charcutrie
Available spots
Service Description
FOR A CULINARY PROFESSIONAL OR FOOD ENTHUSIAST, THIS IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU Are you a chef or restaurant owner looking to introduce home made coldcuts and cured meats into your menus? Are you a butcher that would like to perfect the Italian style of charcuterieand Artisan curing of meats to give you that added edge against your competitors? Did you spend your winters with your family arguing about how much salt, how much chilli, what kind of pig, what kind of cut, skin, temperature... and want to learn the science behind your salamimaking and curing?Are you looking to learn the art of Curing Meats... from paddock to plate? Do you think it's pretty amazing that you can do all of this with a Michelin Chef, in a very beautiful part of Italy with a groupof people just like you looking for aunique experience? THEN WE LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING THIS AMAZING EXPERIENCE WITH YOU

Contact Details
Via Don S.Raffi, 17, 43041 Bedonia, Province of Parma, Italy